Emily Andrews is a multi-media artist, actress, and musician from Niagara Falls, Ontario.
She works in a variety of media, including oil painting, collage, installation art, and sculpture. A true surrealist at heart, her work is often inspired by science, nature, history, and her own strange dreams. Through her art and music, Emily is very active in the Niagara region, participating in events such as Niagara Night of Art and In the Soil Arts Festival. In 2012, the Ontario Trillium Foundation chose her as an artist in residence and in 2014 she was the recipient of the Allister Young Arts & Culture Endowment Fund. Her most recent series, Strange Happenings & Rare Findings, features surrealistic oil paintings that explore bizarre and unexplained scenarios in a mid-century setting. Emily has a BA in Visual Arts from Brock University and has taught Observational Drawing and 3D Design Material Exploration in the Art & Design Foundation program at Niagara College.